“The Darrin Morris Band have a new single on the market that is beginning to make some waves among traditional Country Music fans, and according to the band’s namesake, “Where Will I Be” was a song he believed in from the start.
“We were headed back from doing a show up in Nebraska. Susan Giacona messaged me on Facebook.”
“(The song’s three co-writers) at the time, we didn’t know each other, but she had been following us. She’s written with some of the biggest songwriters in Nashville and Texas both. She contacted me and said she had a couple songs that she wanted me to listen to consider cutting them. The first time I heard it, I just knew that we needed to record this song. It’s a song that anybody who has been in any kind of relationship for any amount of time at all, and to have that relationship end for any reason, there’s a time in your life where all of a sudden, you’re doing things that you used to do together, and now you’re doing them by yourself, and you realize that the other person isn’t there anymore. I think it’s a song that can touch anybody if you’ve lived any amount of time at all.”
Read the full article at http://www.cmchatlive.com/darrin-morris-band-interview/